Sunday, April 02, 2006

New sofa!

Originally uploaded by moogyboobles.
Now got the excellent Sofa song from The Kooks in my head. Their album is fab by the way.
Please tell me I'm not totally mad getting a white one? We liked it best (and paid extra for stain removal).

Found my favourite April Fools Day hoax courtesy of wiki. I just love Bob Ross, they say it could be true, if it isn't somebody make it so! I reckon you could make a really good Orb Little Fluffy Clouds style remix out of the soundtrack to the Joy of Painting. He has the perfect voice for it. But I'm not talented in that department. I did attempt a photoshop of him a while back for b3ta though.

Ooh it's my sister's birthday today and she got engaged to the lovely Cadell!!!

Today I found a Tardisode for episode 1 of the new Doctor Who Series. Just 2 weeks to go!
I'm also looking forward to the 23rd April as Sky one will be showing the Ricky Gervais Simpsons episode.


BabyLongLegs said...

Oh and me both!!! Can't wait for the new series.....
My eldest is a bit mad about Dr Who as well........
Sarah xXx

Anonymous said...

I just ADORE living room wall paper and the new sofa of course. Its all gorgeous. I have a cream sofa - you may or may not want to hear what happened to it last week. It involved tomato soup, milk and a poorly baby. Its documented in my blog.
My kids love Dr.Who.

Anonymous said...

Where are you???
Have you popped???