Friday, December 30, 2005

Christmas bump

Ooh hello!
Happy Dillon
Happy Dillon,
originally uploaded by moogyboobles.

Thought I'd carry on my My Space Blog over here! I think I like the layout over here so I'm going to give it ago.
Not done a blog in a little while, which means I have ideas accumulate and then I forget them all, but seeing as am sitting here radar watching (I'm a fully paid up snow ramper) I thought I might as well do it now.

There's my bump christmas day
Christmas bump
Christmas bump,
originally uploaded by moogyboobles.

and I'm feeling proper awkward now! The old aches and pains have me waddling around like Will Quack Quack (anyone else remember him?).

Doesn't stop me accumulating music though. I find a wide variety of christmas gems but just couldn't be arsed to blog them before christmas. Just too much to do. Thanks to Marsha for drawing my attention to a rather alternative chilled compilation for the season called We Love Yule, there is also the emo offering A Taste of Christmas and my husband's treasured Metal Christmas. I think my favourite has to be (knowing my penchant for mash) Santastic.
Christmas was hectic as usual, what with Jon just having to go back to work Boxing day there's alot to do on Christmas day. Boys got a great castle from FC. Just hope they look after it!
I'll leave you with a great top music video's of the year list and thanks to Iain for supplying me with that one. Off to put those little scamps to bed now..lets press publish and see how it looks!

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