Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I was being all rather grown up about Verity but had a momentary puerile slip up and channelled the anger through my photoshop!

A few press releases are now surfacing and tonight is the final show. I can predict those who trained their babies will be happy, Getting to do what they want, when they want and not seeing to their child's needs. Thing is they have had many years of going out and being together already, and many years ahead of them to have a social life and me time. They are really missing out on spending this babymoon time getting to know their baby, all those new baby cuddles, just the smell of their little heads is heavenly. In the years to come when their babies have grown up fast they will realise what they have missed and just what on earth they have done in listening to that woman.

Friday night I got to see Maximo park again! Fantastic as always, had great fun getting right in there in the middle for the last song mosh type activity.